How to Use Confidence and Assertiveness to Achieve Your Business Goals

March 7, 2023

When you believe in who you are, what you offer, and your right to be treated respectfully, it is easier to stand up for yourself, set boundaries, and make decisions in your business. We're discussing how you can use confidence and assertiveness to achieve your business goals (without annoying anyone in the process).

How to Use Confidence and Assertiveness to Achieve Your Business Goals

Believing in who you are and what you offer is a fundamental aspect of running your own business. It can significantly improve your relationships, help you make decisions and encourage you to step outside your comfort zone.

Unfortunately, confidence and assertiveness often get a bad rap, but there are ways to utilise them without causing a stir. It’s all about being direct and clear in your communication, setting boundaries, and standing up for yourself when necessary. Below, we explore several ways to use confidence and assertiveness to reach your goals. 


Stand by your pricing

One of the hardest things to do when starting or developing a business is pricing your services. Putting a price on your skillset may not come naturally to everyone, but it’s important to develop the confidence to stand your ground if someone questions your pricing strategy.

A great way to do this is to assure potential clients that your pricing reflects your experience and the level of service you offer. Ask them to share their budget and outline what you can provide for the price they specify.

Staying true to yourself and believing in your talent will show your clients that you know your worth.

Create healthy boundaries

It’s natural to want to create a good impression and prove to your client you are hard-working and efficient. However, it’s also important to set boundaries around your working schedule and stick to them.

Try not to answer emails outside your core hours as this creates a certain expectation, meaning clients will assume you’re on call during those times. They may not be aware that you’re not meant to be responding, so be sure to specify your working hours from the get-go so you’re on the same page.

Another crucial part of being assertive is learning to say no. If you’re always saying yes to every request or opportunity, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and lose confidence in what you’re doing.

Prioritise your time, and don’t be afraid to turn down opportunities that don’t align with your goals or values. 

Believe in yourself

Self-belief is such an integral part of growing your business but it doesn’t always come easy, especially if you’ve faced setbacks or challenges in the past.

Start by recognising your strengths and accomplishments and remind yourself of your abilities - after all, your client has put their trust in you to work on their project and is paying you for your skills and experience!

And remember to be kind to yourself; believe that you are deserving, worthy of the job and capable of completing the tasks at hand.  

Honesty is the best policy

If there ever comes a point where your client starts making you feel uncomfortable, make it known to them. Not every client relationship is smooth sailing, and it’s important to be honest about your feelings so that history doesn’t repeat itself.

You don’t have to be rude to be assertive – being clear and concise about how their actions are affecting you makes it known that you are unhappy and desire a shift in the dynamic.  

Limit your apologies

Yes, there is such a thing as apologising too much!

Though it’s perfectly appropriate to say sorry for something genuinely worth apologising for, we are often needlessly apologetic even when we’ve done nothing wrong.

Try and change up the language you use in your discussions with clients – instead of saying “sorry for keeping you waiting,” thank your client for their time and switch the narrative from remorseful to appreciative. 

Communicate clearly

Confidence is all about communicating your thoughts and needs clearly and respectfully. This can be nerve-wracking, especially when you’re not accustomed to it but if you take the time to practice, small changes can make a world of difference.

Start by practising using “I” statements such as “I feel” or “I need” to get accustomed to expressing yourself in an assertive way.

Another vital skill worth developing is proper listening. By actively hearing the wants and needs of your clients, you can provide a better service for them as well as answer any questions or concerns they may have. It also shows a level of care and consideration. 

Practice self-care

It may seem trivial, but taking the time to care for yourself is a crucial part of developing your confidence. Looking after your mind and body can improve your mood, assist with concentration, and make you feel more at one with yourself.

Confidence appears in many different forms; for some it could be how they dress, whereas for others it could be how they verbally present themselves. If you are tired, stressed or anxious, being assertive is the last thing on your mind. 

A great way to reduce this kind of pressure is to create boundaries; this can be anything from delegating tasks to others in your team or outsourcing. Hiring a virtual assistant can take tedious but vital tasks off your plate, freeing up time for self-care and to focus on improving your self-confidence.


Overall, building confidence and assertiveness takes time and patience, but the results can significantly improve your business.

By making small changes to your language, setting healthy boundaries and learning to believe in yourself and your skills, you can improve your confidence, become more self-assured and ultimately achieve the success you’re striving for.